Over the years I have heard comments from readers of my devotionals and what they said moved me greatly. Some of these compassionate people have linked others up to my devotionals. It is such a simple thing these people have done. One has helped a person who suffers much physical pain to go on my website and subscribe for themselves to these short daily comments. Another has forwarded the devotionals to several people every day.
The people who go to the trouble of connecting others to a source of help are seen by our Father in heaven and He shall reward them accordingly. This is the thought of the verse for today. Jesus is speaking about people who give clothing to the needy, visiting the sick, giving a cup of cold water to the thirsty, visiting people in prison and other acts of mercy that no one else would likely learn about.
It is such a blessing to me that people are out there doing deeds of kindness without looking for anything in return. Simply doing what they can to relieve the worst of someone else’s pain and sorrow.
Many of the people who do these deeds of mercy have no thought that they are doing anything significant. Spending an hour visiting someone is not a great sacrifice. Yet, the person who received the visit is usually greatly blessed by the gesture.
I recall a situation that happened many years ago when a quiet, gentle man passed away. The family was so surprised that the crosswalk guard for his children came to the visitation. Then the man from the corner store showed up to pay his respects. Then several more individuals whom the family did not know appeared to encourage the family. The family had no idea that their loved one had spoken kindly to so many people and impressed them so much.
When the minister spoke at the funeral and those people who were impacted by this shy quiet man really listened carefully. The life of kindness this man had lived spoke volumes about his faith and love for Jesus.
Our world needs people who live like our Saviour and are willing to do the small things to help others, things that need doing but the person may not be able to do for themselves while in pain.
Our Saviour was full of mercy and knew how to bring comfort to those who were weary with life. If you visit a widow and make her a cup of tea, bring her some flowers to brighten her apartment, or some other act of love you are actually visiting Jesus. Our verse tells us that whatever we do for one of His people we are doing for Him. Go visit Jesus this week and give Him a cup of cold water.