Someone once said "A marriage may be made in heaven but it must be lived here on earth."
Obviously there's a difference between heaven's social order and earth's. This world is broken and full of misery for many. On the other hand we're taught that heaven is all bliss and harmony.
Earthly marriages have blissful moments to be sure—but arguments, differences of opinion, and lack of fidelity to the marriage vows plague marriages lived on earth.
Those who choose to marry open the door to the risk of the greatest pain and suffering imaginable.
God takes the wonderful side of the marriage relationship and uses it to describe how He relates to His people.
When someone becomes a Christian, they're "married" to the Lord. God gives Himself to the individual and vows to love, respect, protect, and be faithful to that person forever!
In return, God expects the same from His "bride".
He calls on Christians to be loyal to Him, to love Him more than anyone else on earth, and to be His travelling companion throughout all their days.
So, becoming a Christian is, in many ways, like getting married to someone in this life.
However, in marriage ceremonies, the vow concludes with words like: " faithful unto you until death parts us."
This is where the difference lies in being "married" to the Lord. We become His spouse forever. The marriage God makes with us is one that never ends for any reason whatsoever. Those who are united to the Lord never become widows or widowers!
As each Christian passes through the valley of the shadow of death, they come into the most intimate and blessed fellowship possible. The joys they had knowing the Lord here on earth are magnified to infinity. All the difficulties and temptations to desert the Lord are gone.
As a follower of the Lord, ponder this amazing thought of being "married" to the Lord for all eternity.
Our verse today tells us that it is the Lord Who "marries" us. He's portrayed as the divine Lover Who sought out His bride. He's seen as the One Who wooed and won the heart of His loved ones. One author penned the following:
"I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew he moved my soul to seek him, seeking me; it was not I that found, O Savior true; no, I was found of thee."
Yes, we must seek the Lord until we have assurance He's heard our prayers.
We must repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and that He rose from the dead.
But behind all we do in becoming Christians, the Lord has already been at work.
Marvel at this truth Christian, your "marriage" to Jesus was made in heaven!