At times I am asked to give advice on how a person can present the Gospel to a loved one who is dying. The one asking me for help is wanting to know the best way to speak to the person about their need for confessing Jesus as Lord and believing He rose from the dead for sinners (Romans 10:9).
These situations call for the simplest explanation of the Gospel possible. If the Christian can draw a comparison between something the recipient knows and show how the Gospel has similar detail in it.
Last week a believer asked for guidance on how to present the Gospel to a dying loved one who was in hospital. I suggested the Christian compare how their loved one had a health problem they could do nothing about and so came to the hospital allowing the doctors to do anything they deemed proper to try for a cure.
I then suggested that the Christian speak about the sickness of sin we all have, and that Jesus is the physician of the soul. I urged the concerned person to explain that Jesus is the only one able to cure us of the sickness of sin.
The ill person should be called on to pray to Jesus and confess their sin and ask for forgiveness (1 John 1:8-9). The sick person needs to hear the words of Jesus calling the lost to Himself, e.g. Matthew 11:28-30.
The one presenting the Gospel needs to speak simply and with few words. Also, it helps to end the brief presentation by asking if the person understands the comments.
Do you have a loved one who needs to hear a word in season? The Saviour waits for you to be His voice. When you become the voice of Jesus, He will give you the words to say (Matthew 10:18-19). Certainly, we may feel inadequate, but we are promised divine help.
All of us have people only we can witness to. We need to prayerfully step up and tell these needy people of Jesus’ love for sinners. May you step up in faith today and have the confidence to speak for the Saviour. You will discover that telling the story of Jesus becomes easier each time you share the good news.