About Gordon Rumford

Gordon has experienced much adversity in his life and has made it a life calling to help others who are experiencing similar circumstances.

Gordon has survived several surgeries for cancer, deals with other health issues, and has suffered the pain of a marriage breakdown.

For about 25 years Gordon acted as company chaplain to ISECO (the safety shoe people) in Mississauga. This work involved visiting the offices of the company each week and having private consultation with various employees as needs arose.

Gordon’s chaplaincy work also involved work in various local hospitals in southern Ontario and working in criminal court as a volunteer chaplain. Over the years Gordon has visited prisoners in many penal institutions in Ontario.

Booklets Available

Gordon has written two small booklets on coping with life issues that are available to anyone who emails us with the request for them.

One booklet examines how Abraham coped with the mysterious command of God to sacrifice his son Isaac. The ways Abraham coped are clearly described.

The other booklet is a series of short stories that illustrate how Gordon helps people in different situations and how you can apply these scriptural guidelines to minister to someone who is suffering.

Susan Rumford

Gordon’s wife Susan Rumford B.A., M.A.Th:S.C.P. is a licensed psychotherapist with a practice in Oakville, Ontario. You can read about her work by following this link: Susan Rumford Counselling.
Gordon Rumford
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