There's no doubt that the people who encountered our Lord—while He was among us—were remarkably affected by His words and actions.
Jesus made a very deep and lasting impression on all who met Him.
There was, however, a group of people who were jealous of His popularity with the common people. Although they hated His wisdom and remarkable teaching, Jesus was able to give clear and compelling answers to their questions that were designed to trap Him.
They resisted His claims to be God, and sought opportunities to execute Him. Although they finally succeeded, they hadn't counted on the fact that Jesus was able to raise Himself from the dead (John 10:17-18).
The haters knew the whole nation would soon begin to follow Him and, if they didn't do something to stop Him, they'd lose their positions of leadership. (John 11:47-53).
They knew He had unbelievable power. He had shown that He could raise the dead, make the blind see, cause the deaf to hear, and cure all forms of illness.
They also knew that arguing with Him was futile, as He knew the Scriptures better than any of them.
So, after many attempts to trap Him in His words with trick questions, they finally gave up their feeble efforts (Matthew 22:46).
What's so remarkable is that for all the hatred and jealousy that surrounded Jesus, everyone had a sense of amazement—even awe—when they encountered Him.
Enemies and friends alike knew He was different.
The centurion who supervised His execution was in awe of Jesus and the way He died on the cross (Luke 23:47-48).
What an amazing person Jesus was and is!
All who encounter Him are truly astonished.
There's so much more to Him than we can fathom.
All attempts to understand Him fail at some point—and we're left incredulous.
Will you fall at His feet and lose yourself in wonder, amazement, worship and praise?
There's no one like Him.
Be amazed!
This One wishes you to be is friend—and follower.
How amazing!