When we think of someone deserted we may think of a lost child who is frightened because of the loss of mother’s visual presence. Or we may consider parents’ whose only child has no time for them any more and only wants to know what their inheritance is.
Then there is the enemy called death that relentlessly steals from us our most beloved ones. Or the faithful wife whose spouse is not so faithful.
Perhaps one of the most haunting and frightening cries of desertion was heard outside of the walled city of Jerusalem a couple of centuries ago when Jesus uttered the words, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
These words have such a dreadful aspect to them that we shrink from even a serious consideration of them. Of all the forms of suffering Jesus endured while among us, that word conveys the most painful of all. It came after several hours of darkness and is the first of the last four He uttered before dismissing His spirit.
What pressed this word from the parched lips of Jesus was the fact that He had been made sin for His people. He never committed a sin, indeed sin repulsed His holy character, yet He allowed our sins to be placed upon Him in order that we might have His righteousness. No one’s imagination can exceed the reality of what occurred during those hours of darkness. However you have been deserted today, be assured Jesus knows all about it and indeed much more.
The promise in our text is from Almighty God Himself. He assures His people who feel forsaken to understand He does not forsake any on whom His love rests. At times those who believe in His Son feel they are abandoned or left in the lurch for this reason or that. However, God calls on us to understand He does not forsake the objects of His love ever.
It is because Jesus was abandoned, instead of His people, that they can never be forsaken. He has taken the punishment due our sins and therefore the Father can only look on us with favour. In dying instead of us, Jesus drank damnation dry on behalf of His people. The cup is empty and now all that flows to us from the hand of God is designed for our eternal good. Regardless of who deserts you in this life for whatever reason, you are not alone for the Lord is with you.
Do you believe this today? Are you one who has called upon the Lord to rain mercy and grace on you? Are you certain that Jesus is your only Lord and Saviour? Have you placed yourself into the beneficial cross work of Jesus? If you have then rest assured today that you are forever safe in Jesus’ care. If you are not sure of this, seek the Lord until you find Him, or more importantly He finds you. Then you will be able to say, “I was lost but now am found.” And you will be confident that your Creator takes delight in you.