When growing up I had an aunt who called me “Spooks”. She called my older brother “Sonny”, and my younger sister “Muggins”. Where she got those names or why she gave them to us I will never know. I confess that I have a special name for each of my grandchildren that I always use when speaking to them.
If you read carefully the devotionals I write, you would have observed that I do something different from many writers who teach about the Master. I do not limit myself to referring to the Saviour as “Jesus”. We need to regularly use all the rich and diverse names for the Son of God found in Scripture instead of only using two or three.
Only when we make a habit of using all the many names for the Good Shepherd will we see Him in all of His glory!
I encourage you to write down all the names for our Lord and Saviour that you know. Look one up in the Bible and observe its context. See how wonderfully it suits the Redeemer’s actions or teaching.
Enjoy a few quiet moments pondering the great love of the Man of Sorrows and how carefully the Son of Man attends to your every concern.
What is the name for the Teacher that best suits your need for today?
Ponder His names carefully. Draw strength, encouragement, love, joy, and all other delights from that name, so carefully chosen by the best of Masters, just for you.
Join all the glorious names
of wisdom, love, and pow'r,
that ever mortals knew,
that angels ever bore:
all are too poor to speak his worth,
too poor to set my Savior forth.
Great Prophet of my God,
my tongue would bless thy name:
by thee the joyful news
of our salvation came,
the joyful news of sins forgiv'n,
of hell subdued and peace with heav'n.
Jesus, my great High Priest,
offered his blood and died;
my guilty conscience seeks
no sacrifice beside:
his pow'rful blood did once atone
and now it pleads before the throne.
Thou art my Counselor,
my pattern, and my Guide,
and thou my Shepherd art;
O keep me near thy side;
nor let my feet e'er turn astray
to wander in the crooked way.
My Savior and my Lord,
my Conqu'ror and my King,
thy scepter and thy sword,
thy reigning grace, I sing:
thine is the pow'r; behold I sit
in willing bonds beneath thy feet.