A motor vehicle accident on August 31, 1997—that resulted in the death of Princess Diana—caused the world to go into mourning.
This highly popular woman was being pursued by paparazzi, who wished to get a glimpse of her and photograph her.
Paparazzi are self employed photographers who are always on the lookout for celebrities they can photograph. If they get a good shot of the famous person they can sell the photo to magazines for a lot of money.
Our verse today speaks of an incident on the Monday of the week Jesus was crucified.
Some Gentile worshippers at the temple approached Philip with the request that they be permitted to see Jesus.
How interesting it is that here at the end of our Lord's public ministry He once again has a visit from seeking Gentiles as He had when a young child by the Magi. This demonstrates that Jesus is the Saviour of all who seek Him.
Also, in this story, we see that the seekers were in the house of God—the Temple in Jerusalem.
If we wish to see Jesus for ourselves, there's no better place to find Him than at a church where God's people gather and the Bible is preached.
There are so many ways to "see" Jesus today.
For example we "see" Him when we pray and the Holy Spirit makes Him real to our hearts.
We "see" Him when we are in the presence of godly believers who talk and behave like Jesus.
We can also see something of Jesus when we observe the beauties of creation.
Speaking of Jesus, Paul wrote in Colossians 1:16 (NIV) "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him."
We also clearly see the redemptive power of Jesus when He comes alongside a person trapped in the web of their own sins. We often see how He releases the captive and recreates them into someone holy, devout, and saintly.
Will you consider opening your Bible and reading the things concerning Him in all the Scriptures?
Will you look around at the wonders and beauty of the created world and be in awe of Him?
Will you go to His house of worship and hear about Him in the hymns and the preaching of the cross?
Jesus is showing Himself to hungry hearts today. Did you see Him?