Sometimes people have a rather unusual view of Jesus. They see Him as a Hollywood hero who never runs out of energy. It is felt by some sincere Christians that while Jesus was among us He scarcely slept but was always on the go speaking to crowds of people, healing the sick, never discouraged about what was happening around Him, and so on.
The way Jesus is portrayed in the Bible is far removed from such a fantasy. On various occasions Jesus is spoken of as tired (John 4:6), as angry and grieved (Mark 3:5), as sorrowful and weeping (Luke 19:41; John 11:33-35), and on it goes.
Certainly there were times when our Lord was very tired both physically and emotionally. The context of our verse today was at the time when Jesus’ beloved older cousin John the Baptist was murdered by evil people. Our Lord was so distressed by the news that we are told “When Jesus heard what had happened [the murder of John], he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place.” Matthew 14:13 (NIV).
Clearly Jesus had emotions and suffered when His people suffered. His emotional pain at the news of the brutal slaying of John drove Him to the wilderness to be alone. But when the people heard of Jesus’ retreat and learned where He had gone to seek solace they followed Him and pressed their needs upon Him.
What is so remarkable about Jesus in this incident is that He did not reprimand the crowd, nor did He ask them to come back another time. His weary state of mind and body did not influence His compassion for those who suffer. He immediately ignored His own exhaustion and found the resources to give to the seekers exactly what they needed.
None of God’s people should ever get the notion in their heads that God is too busy running the universe to care about them. Never should we wonder if God gets “tired” of our constant asking for help, forgiveness, grace and mercy. Our Father in heaven is always on the alert for our cry for help. His resources never run out. His patience with the weary is infinite.
If you have given up on prayer and seeking help from your Father in heaven, come back to the One Who has called you, redeemed you, and committed Himself to your welfare. The Lord waits to be gracious to you.
You may be tired and worn out from the difficulties that confront you daily. The resources of our God are inexhaustible. He is your Father so come to Him in prayer and call on Him to make the provision you need so much. No matter how great your problem, you will never need more help that the Lord can give. Come to Him and come now.