When we were children, many of us thought our father was the strongest man on earth.
As we grew up, we came to understand that our earthly father had limitations like the rest of humanity.
We didn't think less of our fathers, because we learned about their limitations. Instead we recognized their strengths and loved them regardless.
In Scripture, all of us are pictured as limited in many ways. The Bible tells us that our enemy of death will ultimately catch up with us.
We learn from Scriptures like Psalm 103:14 that while we're alive on this earth we're only dust on the face of eternity.
As we age, we learn to adjust our expectations to fit with our decreased mobility. No longer can we run like the young. Some of us become dependent on a cane or a walker to get around.
I recall speaking with one person who could no longer walk. He told me that it was now fascinating to watch people walk and run—and he recalled a time when he could do the same and thought nothing of it.
What was once possible is now impossible for him.
When we turn our attention to our Creator, we see from Scripture that He never grows old.
His strength is never diminished.
What He always was, He shall be forever.
His resources are inexhaustible.
Our Creator knows all about our challenges in life and He loves us in spite of our great limitations.
In Isaiah 66:13 God's relationship to His children is like a mother comforting her child. His strength never hides His gentle and soothing love for His people.
When we think of a tender person, we often confuse tenderness with weakness. That may be true at times with us. However, God's gentle manner is always displayed alongside His limitless strength.
So when life overwhelms us and we think we'll drown in our sorrows, look to the Creator and understand that He is as gentle as a nursing mother and stronger than any force imaginable.
The Lord can demonstrate compassion at the same time as He shows His unmatched strength.
Bring your sorrows to Him today Christian, and confess to Him that life is too much for you to handle. Then witness how He deals with the problem and feel His gentle love filling your heart.
Come as you are, and come today.