Over the years I have read a variety of books. One of them, Faith of the fatherless: The Psychology of Atheism, by Psychology Professor Paul Vitz, examines the views of several major thinkers who denied a personal God. All of them had a broken relationship with their own father through death, neglect or abuse.
The author also looked at a number of highly influential people in history who did believe in a personal God. All of them had a warm and satisfying relationship with their fathers.
Of course, not all who had abusive fathers turn out to be atheists. Some who had abusive fathers grew up to love their Father in heaven.
On the other hand, some who did have loving fathers have grown up to deny the God of their parents.
However, it's interesting to note that the high number of very influential thinkers who have denied God also grew up with a poor image of what a father ought to be.
A wonderful set of verses are the ones I chose for today.
We grow spiritually as we meditate on the relationship between the Father and the Son. The Father publicly confessed His love for Jesus and told the disciples to listen to Him.
For His part, Jesus expressed His obedience to the Father and indicated His appreciation for the Father's constant presence with Him.
We earthly fathers know we aren't perfect—as our Father in heaven is perfect—but we still seek the perfection we see in the relationship between the Father and Jesus.
Perhaps today we parents need to tell our children we are well pleased with them. Certainly many fine mothers and fathers I know do exactly that again and again—even with their adult children.
I don't believe we'll overdo it as parents if we tell our children we love them regularly, even daily—if the child still lives at home.
Today would be a good day to tell your parents—or children—how much you love them and why you love them.
Share your love for your family with them today.
Do it in words as well as actions. The growth in your relationship from this will bless all of you.
It is the godly thing to do.