Getting Life Into Focus

Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.
Psalm 73:1

The statement in our verse today is one that some followers of Jesus think they believe—until tragedy strikes and they suddenly start questioning their faith.

They believe that nothing is difficult for the child of God until their world collapses through adversity. They suddenly realize that their faith is not as strong as they assumed. The tragic situation rocks them to the very core of their being.

The man Asaph, who wrote Psalm 73, tells us that “God is good.” However, he's honest enough to write that he didn't always believe so. Through painful experiences in life, his faith was almost wiped out. He simply couldn't explain why he suffered, while the wicked had an easy life.

As he tried to make sense of it all, he realized that some of his thoughts were so heretical that he couldn't tell them to any of God’s people lest he damage their faith as well (Psalm 73:15).

Behind his silence he hid confusion and despair.

Then one day he entered the house of God where worship was conducted, the Bible read, and the truth of Scripture explained. It was there that he re-learned truths he'd somehow forgotten.

He was reminded of the final end of the wicked and the eternal joys of the righteous. God’s house was where he got life in focus.

Somehow he'd allowed pain and suffering to blur his vision of Scripture's teachings. Many of us can confess to a similar experience in our times of trouble. We have had doubts in our hearts about God’s love, or His wisdom, or His care for us.

This is why we need to come back again to the place of worship and remember the truths of the Bible.

The Psalmist said that it was coming into God’s house that began the change in him. In other words, his instruction in God’s truth caused him to turn a corner and get back on the path of spiritual security and maturity.

We all need the information that's in the Word of God. We must be taught eternal truth if we're to find the strength and wisdom to deal effectively with life’s more difficult alternatives. Another reason for attending God's house is that we see others who suffer and remain faithful to the Lord. This can feed our faith.

Have you given up on the organized church and simply stay home or do other things when God’s people gather on Sunday to praise and worship? If so, consider coming back, and learning more about the pilgrimage of the Christian.

I urge you to return to the house of God and truly seek to hear the voice of God in the music, Scripture reading, preaching, and godly conversations before and after the service. That is the place to get life into focus.

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