Some think that when Jesus walked among us, He never got tired, discouraged, hungry, or angry, but Scripture gives a much different picture of Him.
As we read in John 4:6, He became “...tired from the long walk...“ (NLT)
In Mark 3:5, He was angry. “He looked around at them angrily and was deeply saddened by their hard hearts.“ (NLT)
He felt sorrow in Luke 19:41. “But as he came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead, he began to weep.“ (NLT) Also, in John 11:35, “Jesus wept.“ (NLT)
Just like us, He got hungry. “The next morning as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry.“ (Mark 11:12 NLT)
In John 4:7, we read that He was thirsty. “Soon a Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, “Please give me a drink.”“ (NLT)
It's quite clear that He could feel tired, hungry, thirsty, sad, and angry.
Today's verse is in context of the death of John the Baptist. Jesus was so distressed that “When [He] heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place.” Matthew 14:13 (NIV).
When His followers heard about it, they followed Him and pressured Him with their own issues. Though weary in mind and body, His compassion for them wasn't diminished. He ignored His own weariness and assisted them as they needed.
We should never think that God is too busy to care about our needs. He doesn't get “tired” of how much we ask for help, forgiveness, grace, or mercy. He is always listening for our cry for help. His resources never run out. His patience is infinite.
“The man Christ Jesus can enter fully into everything that belongs to man’s condition. The poor, the sick, and the suffering, have in heaven One who is not only an almighty Savior, but a most sympathetic Friend. The servant of Christ should grasp firmly this great truth, that there are two perfect and complete natures in the one Person whom he serves. The Lord without doubt almighty God...But that same Jesus is no less certainly perfect man. Because He is God, we may repose the weight of our souls upon Him with unhesitating confidence. He is mighty to save. Because He is man, we may speak to Him with freedom about the many trials to which flesh is heir. He knows the heart of a man. Here is rest for the weary! Here is good news! Our Redeemer is man as well as God, and God as well as man. He that believes on Him has everything that a child of Adam can possibly require, either for safety or for peace.“ J.C. Ryle
You may be tired and worn out from your daily difficulties, but there's an answer. Take them to the Lord in prayer. Call on Him to make the provision you need. No matter how terrible your problem, you'll never need more help than the Lord can give. Don't wait any longer. He wants to hear from you.