When a book has gone through 73 printings in English in less than 40 years (selling almost 2 ½ million copies)—and has been translated into 19 other languages—you must admit it has something going for it.
Such is the story of Viktor Frankl’s book, Man’s Search for Meaning.
The first portion of the book deals with the horrors he experienced during several years in a Nazi death camp.
Dr. Frankl had trained as a psychiatrist and neurologist, and practiced for some years before entering the death camps as a Jewish prisoner.
In Man’s Search for Meaning, he tells the reason why a man who appeared to be as healthy as one could be—under such dire circumstances—could one day lie down and die in 48 hours. It actually happened to one of the men he knew—when he gave up any hope of release from the camp.
Hope is certainly a most profound factor in people being able to cope with their tragedies in life.
A hope that sustains in crisis is necessary for being able to bear up under pain and sorrow.
The Bible’s most haunting description of those who turn from their Creator is found in the Apostle Paul’s words, in Ephesians 2:12 “…without hope and without God in the world.” (NIV)
God is called the “God of hope” in Romans 15:13.
In 1 Timothy 1:1 Jesus our Lord is called our hope.
Paul the Apostle refers to how Christians look for “that blessed hope” Titus 2:1—and by this He means Jesus’ second coming.
The world celebrates His first coming in so many ways, yet it's Jesus’ second coming that brings the heart the greatest joy and eager expectation.
Christians celebrate Jesus’ first coming with much happiness, singing, and feasting, but we will never come close to the amazing glory and festivities that we'll enjoy at Jesus’ second coming.
Reader, do you know this hope? Is Jesus your hope? Or do you look at your future as nothing but endless pain and sorrow?
Is your only hope that death will conclude your existence of tragedy and sorrow?
Will you not come to this Jesus, the hope of His people, and call to Him in prayer for the help you need for today and the wonderful prospect of being with Him forever?
Jesus waits for you to hope in Him for all your needs today—and forever.
Will you pray to Him and seek the blessing of eternal life He so freely offers to all?
Why not seek Him, and seek Him today?