It's fascinating to watch young children as they see something marvellous for the first time.
I well recall the day when we brought our second son home from the hospital.
Our 3 year old son was full of wonder as he gently touched his baby brother's face and took his tiny hand in his. I have several photos of the first meeting of these two brothers that I treasure and shall pass on to the boys some day.
Once, when I met with a fine young couple in order to encourage them in their Christian walk, I was pleased that they brought their 3 month old son with them. They offered to let me hold the tiny creature and I readily took him into my arms. I was fascinated with his features, how he yawned and smiled up at me.
Wonder is a beautiful experience for us and sadly—as adults—we tend to lose the art of amazement.
Too often we can yawn in the face of the many remarkable things God has put in the world for us to enjoy and astound us.
Such a simple thing as a rose blooming can captivate the attention of an insect, but too often for us it's just another rose.
We lose the ability to find ourselves lost in wonder—in pleasure at the beauty of God's creation.
I'll never forget my first visit to the Canadian Rocky mountains.
Those rugged majestic structures struck my imagination, and I was totally fascinated by the incredibly gigantic size of them. I thrilled to see the emerald colour of the glacial water lying in pools or streaming down the mountain valleys.
God is such a remarkable artist. His handiwork should leave us breathless.
Are you amazed when you think of the glories of God?
Surely the Creator is more to be wondered at than what He has created.
He's certainly much more amazing that the complex and symmetrical beauties of the world He spoke into existence.
Today stop and smell the roses, gaze in wonder at a newborn baby. Turn your eyes to the heavens and listen as they declare the glories of our great God (Psalm 19:1).
Allow yourself to be astonished at the incredible and immense proportions of the universe, and then try to imagine how much greater is the God Who put it all together.
That wonderful hymn writer Charles Wesley (1707-1788), said it well when he penned the following lines.
May this be your experience now and forever.
Finish, then, Thy new creation;
Pure and spotless let us be.
Let us see Thy great salvation
Perfectly restored in Thee;
Changed from glory into glory,
Till in heaven we take our place,
Till we cast our crowns before Thee,
Lost in wonder, love, and praise.