Learning To Pray

“A prayer of a righteous person…can accomplish much.”
James 5:16 (NASB)

“It happened that while Jesus was praying in a certain place, when He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John also taught his disciples.’”
Luke 11:1 (NASB)

“But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”
Acts 6:4 (NASB)

“They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
Acts 2:42 (NASB)

When I studied in Seminary (1966-68), I had many subjects to ponder. However, for some unexplained reason, there was one class that wasn't studied—the subject of prayer.

Acts 6:4 indicates that church leadership have 2 foci for their work, ministering the Word, and prayer. Those who aren't ministering formally are also known as people who steadfastly pray (Acts 2:42).

How long has it been since you've heard a series of sermons on prayer, or attended a seminar on prayer?

We hear a lot about retreats on how to be a better spouse, how be good parents, how to be spiritual leaders in the local church and so on, but most (all?) of us have never heard of a series of sermons or seminars on how to pray. I never have, and I have been a Christian for 64 years.

Matthew Henry (1662-1714) is still one of the most popular commentators on the Bible. He's been quoted as stating, “You must sue God for the performance of His promises.”

As Henry wrote his remarkable commentary of the whole Bible, he stopped after Acts in the New Testament. He had become so burdened to pen a book on prayer, and did so. Unfortunately, he died before being able to return to the commentary. Godly friends took his notes and completed the work in his name.

The book on prayer is republished under the name “A Way To Pray”. It's a superb volume and worth a careful reading by all God’s people. You can obtain a copy using the links below.

The book has many prayers of various sorts, and all contain nothing but the words of Scripture.

If you have no other book on prayer but this one (and you use it as your manual on prayer), you'll master the divine art of prayer.

Do you pray?

Prayer is the breath of God in man,
Returning whence it came;
Love is the sac­red fire with­in,
And pray­er the ris­ing flame.

The Christ­ian’s life with it con­cludes,
And with it doth be­gin;
’Tis this in­vi­go­rates the soul,
And is the death of sin.

It gives the bur­dened spir­it ease,
And soothes the trou­bled breast;
Yields com­fort to the mourn­ers here,
And to the wea­ry rest.

When God in­clines the heart to pray,
He hath an ear to hear;
To Him there’s mu­sic in a groan,
And beau­ty in a tear.

The hum­ble sup­pli­ant can­not fail
To have his needs sup­plied;
Since He for sin­ners in­ter­cedes,
Who once for sin­ners died.

B. Beddome

Gordon Rumford's Book Truth, Tried & Triumphant
Gordon’s book Truth Tried and Triumphant is available by sending $20 plus $3 shipping and handling to:

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