The title of our devotional today seems contradictory.
How can anyone live the events of tomorrow today?
We don't even know what will come tomorrow, so how can we go about living its reality?
Well, of course we can't actually live the detail of tomorrow today but we sure can mess up today when we ponder the unpleasant possibilities of tomorrow.
If we spend time imagining that some catastrophe just might happen tomorrow, all the joy of today's blessings will wither and die.
All of us have been guilty of trying to reach into tomorrow and lift its possible burden out of there and place it on our backs to carry today.
Let me illustrate. When I was told that I had cancer in 1989, I suddenly became all worried about how my end might come.
The disease hadn't taken my strength away and I was well able to do a full day's work. But there I was, fussing about how I might feel when, and if, the disease took my life.
The day I learned my diagnosis I tried to live tomorrow today.
Jesus' words in Matthew seem so relevant to people in pain.
Jesus was telling His disciples to deal with what they actually had today, and let tomorrow worry about itself.
In the context of Matthew 6:34 Jesus said that the Father knows all of His children's needs, so there was no reason to worry.
The verse from Deuteronomy is a wonderful promise to present before our heavenly Father and ask that it be fulfilled in our lives today.
Don't spoil today with worry about what might happen tomorrow.
Take life a day at a time and you'll find all the grace you need for the work at hand.