Yesterday was certainly the best day of the week!
It was the day we gathered as Christians to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
From the earliest accounts of Christian worship it's noted that on the first day of the week believers met to celebrate our Lord's resurrection and break bread together—as our verse today shows.
It's also recorded (Acts 2:46) that at least some of them met daily to teach and learn about Christ.
But for many of you, Monday is work day, and your minds seem occupied with anything except Christianity. However, you should recall Paul's admonition when he said, Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters..." (NIV)
Christians—whether healthy and working, suffering in bed or dying—should have the reputation of doing it well to the glory of God.
When some of the early Christians were thrown to the lions it was observed, "These Christians die well."
When John Wesley was sailing to America to preach the Gospel, he noted how calm and peaceful some Christians were on the boat when a life threatening storm was on them.
Wesley feared death and wished he had the quiet spirit of those people. Later he found it when the Lord opened his own heart to the Gospel he had been trying to preach.
On another occasion Wesley had the question put to him, 'Mr. Wesley if you knew you were to die in 24 hours what would you do?" He responded by opening his appointment book, reading off his work for the next day, and telling the person he would do those things and then commit his soul to the Lord and die.
In other words the news of imminent death would change nothing in his schedule.
Years later on his deathbed, Wesley demonstrated that he had learned the holy art of dying. He sang and quoted Scripture appropriate to the situation he was in.
Whatever our situation, we ought to be able to live the day for the Lord.
Never think your work is useless—or not as glamorous—as being in the Christian ministry would be.
Whatever you do, however insignificant it seems, do it for the Lord and you shall be blessed.
Live every day for the Lord and each night lift the day's work to Him as an offering.
You shall be richly blessed as you take life a day at a time.