I love to watch storms rage as they bend trees over and the rain pounds against the windows of my home. To hear the thunder shout and the lightening illuminate the dark angry sky excites me.
Witnessing the power of creation in a full blown rain and wind storm can be fascinating. Storms howl and thus speak of great power that can be frightfully destructive at times.
Of course I am not saying that I wish to be outside when the storm's fury is unleashed on the earth. I wish a safe comfortable place inside my home or other good location. Looking out of a window at the power and anger of the storm being expressed can be entertaining.
In our verses today Isaiah speaks of riding the storms of life. Clearly Isaiah wants us to know that the storm will hit us and do its best to uproot us and destroy us. Being a child of God does not give us exemption from the common struggles of life.
God speaks to His child and tells them comforting words about the storm. First the Lord wants His child to know "you are mine". Belonging to the Lord has certain consequences.
The first consequence of belonging to the Lord is that "I will be with you". God's presence is certain in all circumstances of life. We do not face the problem alone.
Over and over in Scripture this truth is shouted that God will never leave nor forsake His people. He is faithful and shall escort us safely through all situations of life.
Then the second consequence of belonging to the Lord is that the storms we experience will never destroy us. We shall ride safely through every storm with the almighty God beside us.
In a line of one hymn John Newton says: "I smile at the storm." So it is with us. Just as some of us like to watch a storm from the safety of our home or other secure place, the Christian can witness the problem and smile from their secure place in the presence of God. The Lord has created us, formed us, redeemed us and called us by name.
The Lord has no intention of losing one of His people after doing all that to make them His. Be bold today to ride the storm knowing who you are and Who it is Who is seeing to your eternal safety.