I am a great believer in using Scripture to strengthen our witness for the Lord. I seek to support organizations that spread the Gospel through publishing and distributing the Bible in various languages.
Getting the Bible into people’s hands is a wonderful work that should have the support of all believers.
Many years ago I was asked to visit a dying man in the local hospital. When I entered the room it soon became evident I was not welcome. I apologized for disturbing the young man, left a booklet with Bible verses in it, told the patient my card was in the back and that if he wished to contact me I would gladly come to see him. Then I left.
The man died without contacting me. I first met his mother several years later when I conducted the funeral of her other son who had been part of my home Bible study group for years. As soon as the mother realized who I was she warmly embraced me and said to my surprise, “Both my sons are in heaven because of your ministry.”
I expressed surprise as I had only met her one son for 2-3 minutes. She explained that each time she visited her boy in hospital he would quickly stuff a piece of reading material behind his pillow hoping his mother would not see it. Finally he told her the booklet was the one Gordon Rumford had given him to read. Most of the text was Gospel verses with very brief comments. The light of Scripture had shone into his heart and all by himself in his hospital room he believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Bible can do what we cannot. It cuts through people’s arguments against the faith and is able to illuminate both the heart and mind. It brings the will captive to Christ with ease—and the individual scarcely recognizes how it all happened.
Next time you bear witness to Christ, quote an appropriate Scripture. It does not matter whether or not the person accepts the truth of Scripture—God’s Word is sharper than sharp and will cut to the quick all whom the Lord desires to regenerate.
Our confidence is not in our clever arguments—rather our hope is in the pure, powerful Word of the Lord. Be satisfied in your witness because you have used Scripture to support what you say. The rest is up to the Lord. His Word will accomplish all His holy will.