
"Your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven."
Matthew 6:10

Submission is a very hot thought in our modern society.

Many people get very excited when the topic is discussed at a party or in casual conversation.

In the minds of a lot of individuals, submission is humiliating, degrading, and puts people down in a way that isn't necessary.

We're champions for individual rights.

Children chafe at parental authority and rebel in various ways against the family regulations. If the teenager is told to be home by midnight, they often come in at 1:00am. And on it goes.

Even some mature people get angry when the police officer pulls them over because they were speeding. Certain adults will speak harshly to the officer who pulls them over. They ask why the policeman isn't out chasing thieves and the mafia.

A provincial police officer I know very well told me that he's had people shout and swear at him on the side of the road because he stopped them for speeding.

But submission isn't the evil thing people make it out to be.

In many instances we willingly submit to authorities. For example, when a doctor gives us a prescription we willingly take it to the pharmacy and have it filled. Then we take the medication just as the doctor told us.

Or, when we were students in school or university we willingly submitted to the examinations necessary to achieve a passing grade in the subject we studied. We didn't feel ourselves oppressed by the teacher or professor when examination papers were handed out.

When we go to the dentist, we want to be sure he or she obeyed the rules without cheating to get a passing grade on their examinations. So, in various areas of life we insist on people submitting.

Submission is critically important in the relationship we seek to have with our Creator.

Common sense is all it takes to realize we're very inferior to the God Who spoke everything into existence. We're no match for Him.

Only Christians will pray the words in our verse for today. The essential characteristic of sin is that it is rebellion against God, whereas the mark of a genuine Christian is submission to God.

When someone becomes a Christian, it's by submitting their entire life to the Lord and saying, "Your will be done."

Do you practice submission to the Lord? Are you willingly submissive?

Perhaps this is what you need to assess today.

Ask yourself the question, "Am I resentful about God's will for me and do I resist His way in my life?"

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