Thank God for Jupiter

“The heavens declare the glory of God…”
Psalm 19:1

I recall the first time I looked at the largest planet in our solar system through binoculars and witnessed some of its moons. At the time I didn't know that it was mostly swirling gases and liquids—or a gas planet as it's known. Little did I know the significance of that giant planet back then. Let me explain.

You see, if Jupiter didn't exist neither would we! For our planet to escape lethal bombardment by large objects in space, we need the gravitational effect of a Jupiter to spin them away from us.

Jupiter needs to be 5U away from the sun (Earth is 1U away) to be in the correct position to allow life on earth. It's properly spaced to do just that.

As astronomers explore other solar systems (and look for possible planets that might sustain life), they're finding giant planets (such as Jupiter), but they're all too close to their suns to allow for a planet such as ours to sustain life. In the exploration of other solar systems to date, only our solar system has a “good” Jupiter.

Our solar system is looking more and more unusual—the more we explore space.

This bit of information about solar system is given in the expectation that my readers might become more thankful for how remarkably well constructed our place in the universe happens to be. There are many other things that have to be in precise balance for life to exist on Earth. As one person put it—we live on a privileged planet.

Whether you look through a telescope at the vast worlds beyond our Earth, or look into a microscope at the tiny (and yet remarkably complex) worlds it reveals, you must be humbled at what is so intricately constructed for us to witness.

The Psalmist didn't have the advantage of our scientific discoveries, but as he gazed at the stars he was overcome with awe at their beauty. God put into his mind the idea that the wonderful sight of a night sky spoke of how extraordinary the Person was who shaped and crafted all that he saw.

Have you looked at the glory of God in the night sky lately? Lift up your eyes this evening and consider that what you see is for your enjoyment, wonder, and encouragement. God has made a highly unusual solar system (maybe the only one out there), to keep us safe from cosmic tragedy. It all works to keep us alive.

Yes, we can thank God for Jupiter and hundreds of other things that are critically tuned in exactly the precise manner needed for us to live.

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever! Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom He has redeemed from trouble and gathered in from the lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south.” (Psalm 107:1-3 ESV)

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