I especially love Luke’s biography of our Lord. Each Gospel has its own unique focus on the Master. Matthew has five grand sections on Jesus’ teaching, Mark shows Him energetically moving here and there. Mark’s favourite terms to depict how busy the Saviour was are, “straightway” and “immediately”. Luke shows how the Good Shepherd attended the needy, the sick, the bereaved, the poor, the widows and so on. People on the fringe of society are captured in Luke. John develops the identity of Jesus as God in human form.
Because I spend much of my time ministering to people in pain, I am inspired by the portrait of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel. For example, in Luke 7 we read of four events in a single day demonstrating how the Saviour helps those who are in pain.
First we observe the Saviour healing a deathly ill child from a distance. Then Jesus raises from the dead the only son of a widow. Third, we witness how Jesus comforts His cousin, John the Baptist, who was suffering in prison and was confused about who Jesus really was. Last is the scene of Jesus having dinner at the home of a Pharisee named Simon. While there, a reformed prostitute entered the home and anointed the feet of Jesus. Simon and his dinner guests were horrified that Jesus would allow such a gross sinner to touch Him. Jesus spoke up and told the woman that her sins were forgiven and she should go in peace.
We learn from these four biographies of our Lord’s life that He was full of compassion for people in pain. He showed resurrection power, He gave evidence of His divine identity, and identified with repentant sinners publicly.
Therefore, you should come willingly, hopefully, confidently—even joyfully—to the Good Shepherd to find all the resources you need to meet your every need. In Matthew 11:28-30 (NASB) the Master said, “Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is comfortable, and My burden is light.”
Love divine, all loves excelling,
Joy of heav'n to earth come down,
Fix in us Thy humble dwelling;
All Thy faithful mercies crown!
Jesus, Thou art all compassion,
Pure, unbounded love Thou art;
Visit us with Thy salvation;
Enter every trembling heart