The Fear of God

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”
Psalm 110:10 (KJV)

Through life I have been blessed with an active imagination and a keen sense of curiosity. This can be an interesting combination as I have found out many times.

I well recall a childhood incident where I was relaxing on the concrete platform at the back of the elementary school I attended as a boy. I was daydreaming and looking at the various cloud formations that drifted by me, high in the sky.

As I pondered on life and the idea of eternity I became frightened. I was thinking of the fact my father was alive for 39 years before I was born. Then I thought back to his father and how he was alive for years before my dad was born. As I progressed further back in my imagination I came to the point where I imagined God alone in eternity.

What really scared me was the notion of someone existing forever. I knew my life was limited, my dad’s life had a beginning, but how could God exist forever? I grew afraid and came to some sense of the fear and wonder of an eternal God.

As a young person I also learned the fear of the Lord by pondering the fireball in the sky that we call the sun. I knew it was on fire and that it gave off remarkable amounts of heat. What I could not fathom was why it did not burn out. After all, the coal oil lamps we had on the farm needed weekly refills of coal oil or they would not light. I knew the necessity of refueling the kitchen stove in the farmhouse with wood or the fire would go out.

What really astounded me was that there was so much fuel still stored inside the sun that had not yet been burned up. I could not grasp how much that had to be. After all the sun was consuming fuel at a fantastic rate and yet it did not run out of fuel. How big did it’s storage tank have to be in order to keep on burning for so long? Since formally studying astronomy I have learned that our sun is much smaller than many other suns out there.

The other thing that was incredible, was trying to imagine how great God must be to have created all this and keep it going for so long.

While I still stumble and offend the Lord many times in my life, I have never doubted His infinite resources to help His people along their faith journey in this world. So when I find that life is too much for me, I think of the sun and how it has kept on burning for so many thousands of years and is still as bright as ever.

The God Who made the sun and the stars has the all the resources required to provide me with all I need to keep me going through life until my journey ends in heaven. What more could I need than the infinite resources of my God. This is the wisdom I have learned as I continue to study and respect, or "fear", the God Who made and sustains the marvellous world around us.

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