As we look around our world and consider its beauties, we are lost in wonder at just how spectacular it all is. A good friend of mine is an outstanding amateur astronomer. Once, when I was in his home visiting, he showed me some photos he had taken of certain galaxies many light years away.
I confess that I had no idea of the beauty and colours of these phenomenal sights. My friend proudly showed me the photo that won him national recognition in an astronomy magazine. When I got home I visited his website and spent an hour just going over the astronomical sights he had posted there.
I am certain that my readers have witnessed some sight that has taken their breath away because of its beauty. We ought to thank God for the incredibly awesome way He has constructed the universe. We also ought to realize that the Lord has done all this for our pleasure as well as for a statement of how remarkable He truly is.
After spending time considering the glory of creation, we should consider the fact that the Creator is always far more magnificent that what He has made. Have you ever paused to consider how indescribably beautiful the glorious vision of our Lord will be when we see Him in heaven?
Anne Cousins (1824-1906), a Scottish poet, wrote a poem of over 20 verses seeking to describe the indescribable beauty and wonder of Jesus as He is in heaven. Among the verses is the following.
The Bride eyes not her garment,
But her dear Bridegroom's face
I will not gaze at glory,
But on my King of Grace
Not at the crown He gifteth,
But on His piercèd hand:
The Lamb is all the glory
Of Immanuel's land.
Surely it will be worth all of our suffering and more down here in order to see the King in all His beauty. Again Anne Cousins puts it so well when she wrote;
The King there in His beauty
Without a veil is seen:
It were a well-spent journey,
Though seven deaths lay between:
The Lamb with His fair army,
Doth on Mount Zion stand,
And glory, glory dwelleth
In Emmanuel’s land
May you spend some time today looking away from the pain and sorrow that engulfs you and may the Lord give you the glorious vision of our remarkable future.
Indeed, we will see His face.