What is remarkable about the moment described in our verses today is that the discussion was about the departure of Jesus—exactly what Peter had recently denied would happen (Matthew 16:13-23).
In other words, if Peter didn't accept what the Lord had said about the upcoming events, he would now get a different perspective listening to Jesus speak with Moses and Elijah concerning the cross.
Jesus is being gracious to Peter in teaching him about the crucifixion, and that the Father had planned it in eternity.
What a privilege for Peter to witness this merging of two worlds as Moses and Elijah step back into time from eternity to talk with Jesus.
First, the Lord called Peter out from the twelve along with James and John, then He allowed Peter to see something of His glory.
Finally the Lord allowed Peter to see Moses and Elijah as they spoke about the very thing Peter had rejected—the cross.
Isn't it wonderful to see how the gracious Master put this scene together?
It encouraged and instructed Peter about the sovereignty of God and he saw how He accomplishes His will whether Peter agreed with it or not.
James and John were with Peter, and it doesn't take much imagination to think of how the three apostles would review this scene over and over during the next few months.
If you're struggling today with some difficult aspect of God's will for you, look around to see how Jesus is gently helping you to accept His will over yours.
The situation today may be bitter and painful, but in the end you'll see that God's way is always the best way.
Listen for the voice of God speaking to your troubled spirit.
Read the Scriptures to find His will and purpose for your suffering.
Spend time praying for enlightenment, for grace to endure, for some understanding of the problem.
Speak to mature Christians about your confusion of heart.
Find a believer who has walked the same road as you and ask them how the Lord brought them through the suffering.
God will provide a mountain of transfiguration for you if you seek Him with all your heart.