The Greatest Helper

“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”
Hebrews 13:6 (NIV)

Little children learn by watching the behaviour of adults. For example, by watching parents eat, they'll try to grab the spoon and feed themselves before they can even talk. However, while we teach our children and prepare them for life as best we can, we can't train them to solve every difficulty they'll face. Teaching them to prepare for tragedy, such as the loss a child or spouse, simply can't be done.

As adults, they'll occasionally face tragic situations where they'll feel lost and afraid. They may cry out and question if God even exists. They may ask, "Where was He when I needed Him"?

The ones who first received today's verse were among the most persecuted of Christians in history. All seemed hopeless to them as they sought to endure such persecution.

The writer of Hebrews reminds them of a great verse in the Hebrew hymn book called the Psalms. It says, “The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Psalm 118:6 (NIV).

There are many names for God in the Old Testament. For example, when Isaac’s life was spared at the last moment, Abraham called God, ”Jehovah Jireh”. This name means “the Lord will provide”. The idea is that God saw ahead the need for a sacrificial lamb and provided one for them to use in place of Isaac.

Then, in the New Testament, we learn about Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. We can begin to understand how Isaac voluntarily submitting to his father's will, foreshadowed Jesus voluntarily submitting to His Father's will, and allowing Himself to be the one true sacrifice for sins.

Another name for God is “Jehovah Shalom” or “the Lord is Peace”. In Judges 6:24, we read of a man who made a sacrifice to God and called the place, “the Lord is peace”. Those who trust in the sacrifice Jesus made for sin shall have peace with God.

We read in Ephesians 2:14 that Jesus is our peace with God. Jesus gained that peace for all who confess their sins and believe in the resurrected One who offered His life on behalf of helpless sinners like you and me.

Have you sought comfort and strength from God’s many powerful names?

If you see God as He is through studying His names, you'll never fear what people can do to you.

The world in which we live can never take the Lord away from you. Seek safety in the names of God today and you'll be blessed and able to ignore the threats of the world. You'll never lose your eternal blessings.

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