There is little in this life that gives me greater pleasure, my family excepted, than to be in a classroom as a student and learning more about life, the universe, the history of humanity, biblical teaching and so on. I have been a lifetime student.
From my earliest days I developed an inquisitive mind that was constantly hungry for more knowledge.
One of the great classrooms in this world is the universe around us. Whether it is peering into a telescope, a microscope, or seeing the behaviour of animals around us—we can learn so much about the Creator, His personality, His greatness and His love of order and beauty.
For several years I made a study of birds, their habitat, diet, the nests they crafted, their unique songs and so on.
Baltimore Orioles are wonderful engineers. Their skill in crafting nests that hang like a sac from a tree branch mystifies us. On the other end of the spectrum, Cowbirds do not build nests at all, rather they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds. They shirk their parental responsibilities and allow other birds to incubate their eggs and feed their young.
All of us know brilliant people who remind us of Orioles. Sadly we also know people who act like the Cowbirds and allow others to care for their children.
Jesus taught us a lesson from birds when He spoke the words in our verses for today. Jesus pointed out the fact that birds are not farmers who work the land—they do not till, seed, or harvest and store the grain for the winter time’s use. Even though they do not store food for winter the Lord sees to it that they are fed.
This is a lesson for us today. We are worth much more to our Father in heaven than birds. Although the Lord cares for His birds faithfully He will do much more for us, His people, in our times of need.
Take heart today if your finances are in poor shape. Your Father in heaven knows your needs and He is faithful to supply all we need for today and forever.
The Lord has made provision for our greatest need which is our redemption. Will He not care for our lesser needs just as faithfully?
Let us cease from fear and concern about our physical needs and trust the Lord Who sees a sparrow fall (Matthew 10:29-31). As His child, you are precious in His sight and He shall attend to you in all your ways.